Saturday 25 February 2012

Baby's first 2 weeks

Checking on her baby sister

On February 12th, we could not wait to get home. There was a sign posted in our hospital room that read: on your day of departure, please be ready to vacate room by 10AM. We were more than ready, and when our nurse popped by a little before 10, we mentioned to her that we wanted to leave, and asked about any documents we needed. She advised us that the pediatrician on call did not want the newborns departing before 36 hours of life, so we would have to sign a discharge waiver, or wait 3 more hours. No problem, where do we sign? There was something about being disturbed every 2 hours for 30 straight hours that we found disconcerting. Whether it was for a vital sign check or an overhead announcement, we were exhausted, and could not stay a moment longer!

First 2 weeks in numbers:
Average dirty diapers changed per day:10
Average amount of time spent nursing per day: 8 hours
Average amount of sleep Baby #2 had per day: 16 hours
Average amount of sleep Baby #2 had in a row: 1.8 hours
Average amount of nights Baby # 1 slept through the night since her sister's arrival: 0

No wonder we are exhausted!

First 2 weeks in pictures:
First photo taken of Baby #2
Wish I had her life!
Nursing her doll

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