Saturday 3 March 2012

Papa Heads Back to Work


Our baby turns 3 weeks old this Thursday. This also marks my husband's return to work. We have opted for the "special parental package" that the Quebec government offers to new parents. We will be taking a combined 25 weeks off work over the first year of our baby's life. We decided that it would make most sense if my husband took a few weeks off initially, as to help our toddler transition from only child to big sister.

A few interesting things occurred over the course of these last three weeks:

1. Our toddler has grown very attached to her papa. He left briefly one day to pick up some documents from work, and she cried when he left! (Ususally she doesn't even bother saying goodbye!)

2. Our toddler is sleeping better at night. Probably because my husband kept returning her to her own bed when she would venture into our room. This is out of necessity, as there simply isn't enough room for the four of us in the same bed, and for the moment the newborn sleeps between my husband and I.

3. Our toddler has grown very attached to her baby sister. Multiple times a day, she requests to hold the baby in her arms. And she is surprisingly gentle with her, patting her hair, and giving her little kisses.

I am a little worried about my husband's return to work. How will I feed both babies simultaneously? Will the toddler agree to nap with us, or will I be foregoing the naps I have been taking with the newborn? How will I survive on even less sleep (my husband has been waking up early with our toddler, allowing the baby and I a few extra hours of sleep in the morning)? I realize that I am not the first mother with more than one young child at home, but I remain a little apprehensive...


1 comment:

  1. It is great that your toddler enjoys being with her little sister. You will see how little by little life becomes easier. Sleep as soon as babies sleep, that is the secret.
