Saturday 2 June 2012

Back to Work

My two babies!

I think that my children know that I am heading back to work this week. I start on Saturday, and I will be working week-ends for an entire year (with the exception of a few vacations).

Both my girls have been acting up lately. Our toddler decided that she was done with her "independent phase". She no longer wants to fall asleep on her own, and she has also seemingly grown more attached to me over the last two weeks. Her preferred word is "mama"; she says it over and over all hours of the day.

As for our calm baby, teething has led to more daytime outbursts. She had been sleeping 5 to 7 consecutive hours at night for over a month. However, this week, on at least 3 occasions, she decided to wake up every 2 to 4n hours. Whether or not her teeth were a contributing factor, I am uncertain.

These are a few of my hypotheses:

1. Our toddler has, after 3 months, become jealous of her little sister. She is competing for our attention the only way she knows how.

2. Our baby's incoming teeth have made her cranky during the day, and led to less restful nights.

3. Our baby is experiencing another growth spurt (despite her enormous proportions) and is waking up more often to feed.

4. Both my daughters know that I am heading back to work, and are acting up in defiance!

If the latter holds true, hopefully once the first few shifts are over with, my daughters will realize that I am still with them the majority of the week...and perhaps there will be a return to normalcy!

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