Saturday 9 June 2012

Busy Week

Rolled Over!

The week since my last post has been very eventful...

I went back to work Saturday and Sunday, and apart from feeling slightly more fatigued than usual, it felt as though I had never been away! My colleagues were very welcoming, and the mood was upbeat. It was a relatively quiet week-end in our ER!

In other news, our baby rolled over from back to front before her 4th month birthday! Our toddler had mastered the rollover at 4 months, but unlike her sister, she disliked being on her belly, and complained to no end. Our baby seems to enjoy tummy time, looking around as though seeing everything for the first time.

Not to be outdone by her sibling, our toddler has begun using the toilet this week. I purchased a toddler seat adapter with Sesame Street characters, and she seems very impressed (even though she has never seen an episode of Sesame Street, she seems to have taken a liking to the characters, especially Elmo). She has successfully used it daily, and seems to thoroughly enjoy using the "big potty". So much so that she will sit on it much longer than necessary. Just yesterday, I asked her to get off as I needed to use it. Not only did she stay put, but she directed me to use her small potty on the floor!

Holding her sister can be tedious!

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