Saturday 25 August 2012

6 Months Old

Her belly's so big I can barely reach my arms around!

I have been looking forward to Baby # 2 turning 6 months old for some time. Perhaps because it is the halfway mark to turning 1...The half way mark to speaking her first words and walking for the first time. Or perhaps I was looking forward to increased solids consumption, and decreased nighttime awakenings...

Baby #2 turned 6 months on August 11
Weighs just over 8.5kg
Measures 71cm long
Eats two solid meals per day
Still loves her mama's milk
Easily distracted while nursing
Loves drinking from a bottle while mama is at work
Sleeps through the night when she wants to
Loves watching her big sister play
Can rotate a full 360 on her belly
Trying to crawl, but not yet there...

Almost Crawling

Saturday 18 August 2012

Three Little Babies

As she had done so every summer since moving to Dubai, my cousin was planning on visiting Montreal this summer. A few months ago, she mentioned that she had picked out three identical outfits in Dubai, and mentioned that "they would look so cute, we should do a photo shoot". By they, she was referring to our babies. Both her older sister and her have babies very close in age to Baby #2.

My cousin was planning on taking photos with her smart-phone. I was not aware, and thought she had a professional shoot in mind...As it happened, one day in May, I heard about a great deal for a professional photo shoot, and booked it.

The photographer and her assistant worked hard to try to get as many shots as possible, with all three babies in similar positions, and not crying. Not an easy task with three babies under 6 months of age. The studio was hoping that we would choose more than one pose, and order multiple photos, and not just the one pose included in the deal. My cousins and I unanimously agreed that there was really only one pose where all three babies had behaved. Here it is: (my baby is the least hirsute)

Saturday 11 August 2012

Staycation # 2: a photo journey

Around the same time last year, we had our first stay-at-home vacation. And this last week, we had our second. It was so enjoyable, I am surprised we have only had two...

We played tennis together for the first time this year. We went swimming with both babies. We attended some great tennis matches at the Rogers Cup in Jarry Park. We had some very special out-of-town visitors: baby #2 met her grandfather, aunt, uncle, and cousins from Ontario for the first time.

But perhaps most refreshingly, I got to sleep in almost every morning. Our daughters are early risers, and with both my husband and I off Monday through Friday this last week, I finally caught up on some lost sleep...And what a difference it made...I had not experienced boundless energy in a long time.

Hanging out at the park with her cousins 
Practicing yoga
Reading with her cousin
Cuddling with her cousin
Enjoying her cereal
Yummy, eating mommy's chocolate pudding

Saturday 4 August 2012

June & July: a photo journey

Look at me papa, I am holding baby!

June and July went by in a heart beat. Perhaps because I was back at work. But more likely because we had such a great time. The kids went two months with nary a cold virus for the first time this year. We spent our days outdoors: strolling, playing in the park, running through sprinklers, swimming, smelling flowers, and picking dandelions.

While the temperature was above average, and we sometimes had to look for indoor alternatives during the sweltering heat, I remember thinking how wonderful it would be to have warm weather year-round...

Out for a walk!
Lounging on her cousin's deck!
Picking rasberries at grandma's
Swimming with whale
Rolling in the grass