Saturday 29 November 2014

Two Down, One to go!

And just like that, S2 decided last week that she would be a big girl, and no longer require pull-ups. We had not pressured her to give up diapers, and we had decided that the best strategy (for us) would be to let her choose the timing on her own. With only one accident in nearly two weeks, I would call it a success! 

Another year or two, and hopefully S3 will join her siblings...and no more diaper duty for us! Can't wait!

Saturday 22 November 2014

First Snow

Much to the girls' delight, a blanket of snow fell Sunday night. I was a little worried as our lawn boys had not picked up the remaining leaves (which they promised they would do in November once the trees were bare). But my girls did not seem worried.

Monday afternoon, we donned our snow suits, and headed out. The girls enjoyed shovelling, cleaning the car, and S2 had her first taste of snow!

Saturday 15 November 2014

Home Sweet Home!

We have been back home for a little over 4 days, and it is almost as though we hadn't left. We were greeted on Tuesday evening by three very excited little girls, and we very quickly returned to our usual routine:

1. Sleepless nights:
-courtesy of S3, a new runny nose
-by Friday, S1 had joined in with a cough of fever of her own
-thankfully S2 sleeps like a rock, otherwise we would be out-numbered!

2. Challenging mealtimes
-S1 has thankfully stopped throwing her food, but still refuses to eat half of it
-S2 won't sit still, and falls off her chair a few time per meal
-S3 just makes a big, cute mess!

3. And most importantly, fun and games the rest of the time, as evidenced by the tea party they had tonight:

Friday 7 November 2014

San Fransisco, here we come

I write these words from an altitude of 36,000 feet, somewhere between Denver and San Fransisco. My husband sits by my side on the Airbus 319. We left our girls behind in the trusty care of Grandma and Auntie. 

I will be attending a four-day conference in San Fransisco and we will be on our first vacation since S3's birth, almost 15 months ago.

When we left the house, the girls were sound asleep, so we were not able to say a proper goodbye. However, earlier in the week we had prepared the older two for our trip. They made a list of things they wanted us to buy them. 

Although we have been in the plane for only 5 hours, I miss them terribly. Here is a sampling of my worries:

Will they be happy? Will the baby sleep through the night? Will they get sick or injured? Will my mom and sister survive? Will I be able to sleep, or will I worry too much? Will the house be a mess when we return?

I find it hard not to worry, even though I am fairly certain that they will survive, and we will enjoy our trip. 

Thank goodness for FaceTime!

Saturday 1 November 2014

the Double Halloween

Our lucky girls celebrated Halloween not once, but twice! At school, they trick-or-treated in the various departments of the Y. This was followed by a pot-luck party attended by the parents. The girls donned their indoor costumes for their day-time party: S1 as a cow-girl, and S2 as Abby. S3 stayed behind.

Later that afternoon, S1 and S2 helped decorate the house:

Artwork by S1

And after dinner, all three girls headed out for their very first trick-or-treating experience in our very own neighbourhood. The baby was returned to her Papa after about five houses, while S1 and S2 lasted the whole block. The girls also had another first: handing our candy.