Saturday 15 November 2014

Home Sweet Home!

We have been back home for a little over 4 days, and it is almost as though we hadn't left. We were greeted on Tuesday evening by three very excited little girls, and we very quickly returned to our usual routine:

1. Sleepless nights:
-courtesy of S3, a new runny nose
-by Friday, S1 had joined in with a cough of fever of her own
-thankfully S2 sleeps like a rock, otherwise we would be out-numbered!

2. Challenging mealtimes
-S1 has thankfully stopped throwing her food, but still refuses to eat half of it
-S2 won't sit still, and falls off her chair a few time per meal
-S3 just makes a big, cute mess!

3. And most importantly, fun and games the rest of the time, as evidenced by the tea party they had tonight:

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