Saturday 26 December 2015

The Skating Ball

After their last day of skating lessons in December, the children were invited to join their skating teachers for a Skating Ball. Their instructors were dressed up as a variety of fairytale characters. We thought surely our 2-year old would be frightened, but all three thoroughly enjoyed the skate, and asked when they could go back...

Saturday 19 December 2015

Last Day of School

The last day of school for 2015 seemed to come rather quickly. Between pedagogical days, strike days, and sick days (including cough, fever, and even pink eye) my kindergartener may have attended school as often as she did not.

As I reflect back on her first term in elementary school, I definitely see progress. While she is still shy, she refused to enter the school for the first two weeks until she saw her kindergarten teacher. In fact, she didn't smile once until the third or fourth week of school.

Now she enjoys school, speaks of her many activities, her teachers, and friends, and can't wait to go back. As for her french, it has significantly improved. She sings daily in french, and makes some basic sentences, like "est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?".

On her last day of school, she and her schoolmates were allowed to wear their pyjamas. And what fun they had!

At their cousin's house after school on Pyjama Day

Saturday 12 December 2015

Holiday Fair

Our kindergartener's school hosted a Holiday Fair last week-end. The kids had an opportunity to get their faces painted, win prizes, eat baked goods, and enjoy their friends' company. To top it off, all proceeds went to the school. Here they are showing off their face paint.

Saturday 5 December 2015

First Parent-Teacher Interview

Last week, we had our first ever parent-teacher interview. We met the kindergarten teacher after school, while our 5 year old headed to her cousin's house. We didn't quite know what to expect. Before the official sit down, we walked around, met the music teacher, met one of the gym teachers, and perused our daughter's extensive art work portfolio.

I found myself a little nervous. Would our first-born measure up? In the end, we found out that our daughter was a "pleasure to teach", that she was shy (like her Papa) and competitive (like her Mama).

Acting goofy after school (centre)

Saturday 28 November 2015

The First Snow

I woke up Tuesday morning, opened my curtains, and saw white. I rubbed my eyes, took a second look, and realized that it was snow! So excited were the girls that they got ready for school in record time.

Outside #1's school 

#2 making a snow angel

After school with a classmate

Saturday 21 November 2015

Off School

It seems that recently, my 5-year old has had more days off school than on between pedagogical days and strike days.  Not that I am complaining. Our morning routine has gotten easier as there is no mad rush to get my kindergartener to school on time. On a recent day off, we decided to head to the Biodome along with my cousin and her three kids. Try as I might, it was difficult to get them all to look at the camera. Here are a couple of attempts:

Saturday 14 November 2015

My Star of the Week

All the children in my five-year-old's kindergarten class get to be "star of the week" for an entire week. On the first day, they tell everyone their name, age, favourite food, favourite colour, and favourite activities. On day two, the teacher shows 20 photos that the parents prepare on a USB drive of their child's important moments. On day three, they bring in a sampling of their arts and crafts project of previous years. On day four, they take in their favourite book and song to share with their classmates. And finally, on day five, they bring in their favourite toy to share with their friends. Additionally, the star helps the teacher throughout the week. Our daughter felt very special during this last week, her star week. We, on the other hand, were exhausted, and happy the week was over as it involved quite a bit of preparation.

At the end of the week, her wonderful teacher had compiled drawings that all the children had done, explaining why our daughter was special to them. Although she cannot read the comments yet, she thoroughly enjoys looking at the pictures her classmates had sketched for her.

#1 in her school photo

Saturday 7 November 2015

So Long Fireplace/Art Display

Our kids love to colour, cut, glue, and paste. And up until last week, we had an excellent place to display their artwork: the fireplace mantel. We never actually used it as a fireplace. We had baby-proofed it as soon as we moved in, and despite the cold winter, we avoided using it last year:

Finally, a few weeks ago, we decided to convert the wood-burning fireplace to a biofuel equivalent. We decided to incorporate a television and sound bar. Here are the photos of the transition:

But the question remained, where to display the artwork? Finally, a little bit of painter's tape in the mud room seemed to do the trick:

Saturday 31 October 2015

The Three Trick-or-treaters

They started off as three, but the youngest quickly got scared by some of the decorations. She returned home after less than a dozen houses. She spent the rest of the evening handing out chocolate bars with her father. The older two were successful in their hunt for candy, filling their bags. We stayed on our street, and got to chat with a number of our neighbours.

Best quotes of the evening:

S2 "my tummy is full, can I eat the rest tomorrow?"
S3 "my tummy hurts" then passed some gas

Saturday 24 October 2015

Baby Skates for the First Time

She was very excited about skating. We had searched for over a month for skates and a helmet her size, and we were finally successful one week prior to the beginning of skating lessons. She went on the ice with her father, while her middle sister skated in a different class, but on the same rink. Her older sister watched, as her class was to start only once her sisters got off the ice.

She fell often, and got a little frustrated. There were a few tears near the end, but overall it was a fun experience for all.

Saturday 17 October 2015

#1 attends her first costume birthday party

Today, our #1 attended her very first dress-up birthday party.

Here is what she did:

-giggled a lot
-made slime
-coloured some wooden halloween ornaments
-played  "pin the bow" on a character from Monster High (no idea which one)
-ate cake with ice cream
-exchanged head pieces with her classmate

trading head gear with her friend 

Saturday 10 October 2015

Mama is the Mystery Reader

At orientation, the parents were invited and encouraged to read a book to our child's kindergarten class. I volunteered, and received a notice a few weeks ago that I would be reading this last Monday. I left 5 clues, and before my arrival, the kids had to guess whose parent was arriving.  The clues were:

I have a daughter in the class
I like to read
I like to do arts and crafts
I like to jog
My daughter has two younger sisters

Right before I arrived, the teacher had the kids all stand up, and if the clues did not apply, they were to sit down. And one by one, they all sat down, until there were only two left. And with the last clue, everyone guessed whose mom it was, as apparently it is not that common to have two younger sisters...

I read them the french version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, called "La chenille qui fait des trous". It was a big hit. What was even a bigger hit was the craft that I had prepared: caterpillar and butterfly-shaped cookies that they decorated with icing pens.

Saturday 3 October 2015

Papa Pulls a Plane

Last Sunday, the girls watched Papa and some of his work
colleagues pull a

for charity. After that, they had their faces

They also rode some great safety 

and jumped really high on some 

All in all, it was a success, for both the charity in question (the special olympics) and for the kids!

Saturday 26 September 2015

New Skates and Swim Lessons

We had a great week. Our twice weekly indoor swim lessons begun. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings for our #2 and #3, and after school on the same days for our #1. A little exhausting for Mama, but well worth it!

In other news, our Baby got fitted with the smallest pair of skates available. Unfortunately there were no helmets her size, but we were told to try Canadian Tire. Our little one was very excited, and was even able to stay upright in the store. When we got home, she asked several times to wear her "skate boots". I tried to explain that they were for the ice...

Saturday 19 September 2015

A Week of Firsts

This was a week of firsts:
-First full week for our preschoolers (which really amounts to three half days)
-First back-to-school cold for our kindergartener, thankfully at the end of the week, so no school days missed
-And first lock-down drill

It was the latter that had me worried. On Thursday morning the parents received an e-mail indicateing that there had been a lock-down drill. That the school had to be prepared, and that some kids may be have been upset.  I immediately wondered how the teachers explained the drill to the kindergarten classes. My daughter has no idea what a gun is. What if she developed nightmares and sleepless nights...In the end I need not have worried. My daughter explained that there had been a game of hide and seek: the the principal was looking for a classroom with an unlocked door and the lights turned on. So they had to lock their door, turn out the lights, and be very quiet. And that's what they did. And the game lasted all of five minutes!

Our baby during her first full week at pre-school

Saturday 12 September 2015

Preschool Begins and Mama Finally Gets a Break

This week, our 2 youngest started preschool. They had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Everyday for nearly one month, they had been carrying their school bags. "Bye Bye Mommy, I go to school", our two-year old regularly exclaimed.

The girls had 2 half days this week, and they start their regular three half days next week. Their father dropped them off on their first day as I was working. If dirty clothes are any indication, they seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves, and the littlest one especially enjoyed the indoor sand. On their second day of school, I was able to drop them off and go for a jog, and go shopping, and eat breakfast in peace, and wash the car. Oh the freedom!

Sunday 6 September 2015

Kindergarten Begins!

This week, our oldest was off to kindergarten. It was a short week, with 1.5 hours on Tuesday and Wednesday, and 3 hours on Thursday and Friday. She had been looking forward to Kindergarten for a long time. I had been warned to wear sunglasses on the first day, as many parents cry. Perhaps because it was such a short day, or perhaps because I had two other young ones to care for, but the sunglasses weren't necessary.

Our daughter was very excited to meet her new teacher, Mme Marie. There were also some familiar faces; her cousin who not only attends the same school, but is in the same class, and a few of her teammates from soccer.

I don't know who was more excited, my daughter or myself:

Saturday 29 August 2015

the Girls Get Haircuts

After a summer spent swimming almost daily, I thought it would be a good idea to trim the girls' hair. So it was that we ventured into a kid-centered hairdresser. I wasn't sure how the girls would react. Our #2 and #3 had never had their hair cut...

It would appear that many parents thought it would be a good idea to get back-to-school haircut for their kids, for although it was a weekday, the place was hopping.

There was a slide, plenty of toys, a few books, an aquarium, and car-shaped seats for the actual haircutting. The girls enjoyed themselves thoroughly. They were sad to hear we would only be returning in 6 months...(how to explain to the girls that one must have significant hair to cut?)

S1's third haircut in 5 years!


after: no more mullet!

S2's first hair cut

Three haircuts for three girls

Monday 24 August 2015

the Whirlwind Week-end

For many (but not our) kids in our community, this was the last week-end before the start of a new school year. Perhaps that is why so many activities were jam-packed into two days:

-second to last soccer match
-cousin's second birthday party
-last soccer match

-end of season soccer party
-end of season swimming party

I will have to make a mental note to take this week-end off work in the future. Or perhaps plan a family trip...

I was able to catch the tail end of the birthday party which included face painting, balloon animals, and live reptiles (one of which apparently peed on the rug).

After the party, and unbeknownst to its owner, our girls jumped into a bright red convertible which our two-year old referred to as a "baby car."

Saturday 15 August 2015

Not so Terrible Being Two

Our #3 has a long list of achievements. Including swimming with her face in the water (over a very short distance), and speaking in full sentences (which she has been doing for over 6 months). Here is a sampling of her phrases:

-I go swimming with a noodle and a flutter board
-I jump in the water
-I want go downstairs
-I want a popsicle
-I want a red firetruck
-I go to school, I want my school bag
-I did a poop

and my very favourite:
-I am not a baby!

But most recently, we have added a very unexpected achievement: giving up her nap! Lately, it had become a struggle to put her to sleep for both daytime naps and at night. So this Tuesday, we thought we would skip her nap. She was not particularly cranky in the afternoon, and she fell asleep quite easily at around 19:30 as opposed to 22h! Success!

As a result, the daytime routine has changed drastically. No longer does the day revolve around her nap time. All three girls enjoy the same activities during the day, and most importantly, I don't have to keep the older two quiet while their little sister sleeps. It's not so terrible being two after all!

Saturday 8 August 2015

Baby turns 2!

For a little over 6 months, our baby answers "two" when asked how old she is. On August 9, this finally becomes a reality.

Two days before her actual birthday, in the presence of a few friends and her family, our #3 blew out the candle on her red fire-truck cake (as per her request, and carefully baked and decorated by her aunt).

Saturday 1 August 2015

# 1 gets her own room

With Kindergarten beginning in one short month, our first born has been very excited.  So far, we have:

-purchased some navy blue, white and red clothing as per the school's dress code
-bought a new school bag even though she already has three
-looked far and wide for an art smock "not made of plastic"...I was surprised to find out that there are very few cotton art smocks out there...
-And most importantly, #1 moved to her very own room.

While her new room is lacking in finishing touches, our daughter is very excited about her very own room. Her baby sister, finally deemed old enough to be out of her crib (and her room), joins #2 in their shared room. The new bed was a gift from our next-door neighbour, a teenager who finally grew out of her "childish" bed (if you look closely, you may notice the butterflies, chicks, watering cans and flowers on the upholstery). I had explained to #1 that once she had her own room, and since she will soon begin Kindergarten, she must now fall asleep on her own...This didn't work out as planned, as she insists she cannot fall asleep without either her Mama or Papa next to her. But on a positive note, the Baby is now sleeping better than ever. While it takes longer for her to fall asleep, she sleeps until about 5h, and then can often be convinced to go back to sleep.

Saturday 25 July 2015

It's Raining, It's Pouring

It has been raining a whole lot this summer in Montreal. I would say, on average, 3 days per week. So much so that we have adapted. This week, we went out for a walk in our rain gear:

And just yesterday, we threw an impromptu birthday party for Teddy, and invited some friends over. And oh what fun we had! Our oldest prepared the gift bags, while the other two helped set the table and ice the cupcakes.