Saturday 13 February 2016

Our Four-Year-Old!

This Thursday, our pre-schooler turned 4. She woke up, rushed downstairs, put on the birthday dress that she had chosen the night before, donned the princess crown that her preschool teacher had given her the day before, and requested pancakes.

Later on that morning, she excitedly told her swimming instructor that she had turned four. Luckily, we were able to convince her to remove her crown for her swimming lesson.

We had a few friends and family over for dinner. My sister made a "butterfly cake" and her fiance provided a musical candle that played "happy birthday" over and over and over again. We moved the candle to another room after 25 renditions of Happy Birthday.

Immediately after devouring some cake, she happily opened her gifts. 

She finally removed her crown at bedtime. We reminded her that now that she was four, she could no longer suck her thumb. It seemed to work as she has sucked her thumb for briefer periods since turning four.

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