Saturday 7 May 2016

First Kindergarten Production

Last Thursday evening, the parents were treated to four plays performed by my daughter's kindergarten class. My daughter was in two of plays, the abbreviated french version of The Three Little Pigs, and Jack and the Giant Bean Stock. We received the lines she had been asked to memorize about 4 weeks ago. I was immediately concerned that she would be unable to learn them in time for the play. My anxiety was unfounded, as she learned her lines the very first day we practiced them.

As Mama Pig, she had one line in the Les trois petits cochons:

"Aurevoir les petits cauchons et attention au méchant loup."

In Jacques et le haricot magique, she also played the mother, but she had far more lines. Her first line was:

"On a plus d'argent. Le géant a volé l'or, la poule magique, et la harpe magique. Vas vendre la vache."
She had several shorter lines, but I was very concerned about this series of three sentences.

In the end, I need not have worried. Although, on the actual play night, she did speak a little quicker than I would have liked, the plays were superb. The children all lined up at the end, and sang a few french songs, including a touching one for mother's day.

With her cousin before the play

A very attentive audience member

Taking a bow after the les trois petits cochons

Peeking through the curtain before Jaques

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