Saturday 15 October 2016

Swim Team Meets

Our 6-year old proudly made the local winter swim team a few months ago. Practices, twice weekly, were supposed to begin at the end of September. Unfortunately the annual pool maintenance uncovered some larger-than-anticipiated problems, and the local indoor pool remains closed for renovations. An alternative pool was found in the interim, and the junior swim team met for the first time this week. Rather than have two separate half-hour swim practices preceded by a land workout, they met once for a one hour land workout, and a second time for a one hour swim practice. The land practice, held locally, went very well. The swim practice was another story. The water was ice-cold, and the air temperature was not much warmer. The kids quickly developed blue lips, some were left in tears, and very few lasted longer than 30 minutes of the 60 minute practice. After multiple complaints, the swim club had decided to ask the school board that runs the high school pool in question to warm it up...Here is hoping that next week's practice lasts a little longer. Just in case, I will be brining her neoprene swim suit...

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