Saturday 28 October 2017

First Kindergarten Show

On Friday, the parents were invited to an early afternoon kindergarten show. We did not know exactly what to expect. Upon arrival, the parents were seated, while the children were hidden behind a large curtain. Each parent received a custom programme, with their child's drawing on the cover:

We were then enchanted by almost 20 5-year olds singing about owls, butterflies, and Halloween. Our 5-year old is very shy, so I was not certain that she would participate. Surprisingly, she sang every song. At the end, the wonderful teacher told a story about a mouse and her piece of cheese as they built a house that magically turned into a pumpkin. The children seemed genuinely dazzled. The kids then enjoyed festive snacks provided by the parents. Our kindergartener has been looking forward to the show all week, and now continues to sing the songs daily.

Saturday 21 October 2017

A Lovely Visitor

My auntie Ivy has been visiting from British Colombia for several days. Our girls have really taken to her, with my youngest one asking me why I did not live with her! What I didn't know was that my auntie Ivy is a great photographer, and she captured the essence of my goofy kids with these photos:

Saturday 14 October 2017

To The Pumpkin Patch

Our five year old headed to the pumpkin patch with her class this week. They had asked for parent volunteers, and while I hesitated briefly as I would be working later in the day, I decided to join the group.

After a tractor ride to the pumpkin patch, the kids had a scrumptious and healthy snack; fresh pressed apple juice and an apple muffin. Next, we headed over to the corn labyrinth where the kids solved a "mystery". While they weren't too interested in the mystery, they did enjoy running through the fields of corn. They walked along a drawbridge, and finally headed to the field to pick their pumpkin. My 5-year old was the last to choose her pumpkin, as she simply kept changing her mind. Finally she found the pumpkin that was the perfect shape, size, and colour...

And just before departing, they played in a park and enjoyed feeding a few animals. I suspect the most enjoyable part of the trip was the bus ride, although as the parents weren't allowed on, I cannot be certain...

On the tractor

Unable to choose her pumpkin

Saturday 7 October 2017

Mama is the Mystery Reader

Last week, I was the "mystery reader" in my five-year-old's kindergarten class. The children guess whose parent is visiting, based on a few clues left by the parent. (In my case, my daughter guessed it was me with the clue "I have three girls").

I read them a book about monsters, and then led an arts and crafts activity based on the book. I chose two activities, one that they could bring home, and the other that they could eat! They placed a few googly eyes on a paper monster corresponding to the number written under the monster:

And by far the most popular activity of my brief visit was decorating cupcakes to resemble monsters:

My daughter asked when I would be returning to be the mystery reader again, and I explained that each parent gets one turn only...