Sunday 17 July 2011

Heat Wave

CC cools down in the sink

I read an article this morning warning Montrealers about a heatwave (article). Health officials from the city were asking residents to exercise caution in the sun. With temperatures nearing 30C all week, this is apparently one of the hottest Montreal has seen this summer.

Last week we had similar weather. It has actually been a few weeks that the baby and I have been venturing outdoors only early in the morning or after dinner. It seems like only yesterday I was blogging about our lousy winters, and the need to find indoor playgrounds. Same predicament, opposite weather!

The nice weather up until a few weeks ago was much appreciated by both of us. We headed outdoors after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, and after dinner. It is no coincidence that my daughter was cold-free for more than 2 months. Unfortunately cold #8 has reared its ugly head; and the three of us have had little sleep for two nights and counting.

Perhaps once the cold subsides, the weather will be more moderate, and we will once again go a few months without any viruses, and plenty of outdoor play. And then winter will be waiting just around the corner...

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