Sunday 31 July 2011

Bicycling with Baby

CC dons her mother's bike helmet

We saw them on the bike paths, and on streets throughout the city. Happy-looking families cycling with their tots in tow in bicycle trailers. And we thought we would certainly purchase one if we ever had children. My husband and I have actually been talking on and off for almost a year about purchasing a bicycle trailer. We delayed the purchase until just last week. We had done the research, visited a few sporting goods stores, and knew exactly which product we wanted. We live adjacent to a bike path, and knew it would be put to good use.

In hindsight, there were two factors delaying the purchase. Firstly, the product we wanted was a costly 1000$ before taxes. And secondly, while we enjoy cycling, we were unsure about the Brat. Would our stroller-hating, active baby enjoy being pulled behind us, and content herself with passively looking out around her? What finally instigated the purchase was a combination of nice weather, and a sale at a nearby store for the very product we wanted.

We purchased the product last Sunday, along with a jogging kit and a bicycle attachment. It took a little longer to put together than we had anticipated, but we were able to go out for a quick cycle on the day of purchase. We attached the trailer to my husband's mountain bike, and I rode behind in my speedy road bike. As it was late and close to the Brat's bed time, we decided to only go out for 20 minutes. But this somehow turned into 40. The baby seemed content on the way out. She actually squealed in delight. However on the way back, she seemed less than impressed. Perhaps the setting sun and her fatigue played a role...or at least that's what I keep telling myself to justify the purchase. We will give it another whirl this week-end in the hopes that the Brat will become one of those content tots in tow while their parents happily cycle the city paths.

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