Saturday 21 April 2012

Helping Hand

At 3 weeks of age with big sister!

I do not remember the exact moment I realized I needed some help; it was more a general realization that our toddler was getting too much screen time. Although we have banned television, our toddler is the proud owner of both an iPhone and an iPad. The iPhone is non-functional as a phone, but serves as a means of viewing photos and playing games using age-appropriated applications. It was previously my phone, but with a few broken buttons including the volume switch, it had become useless as a phone.

My husband received the latest iPad for his birthday last month, and so too his old iPad went to our appreciative toddler.

I was nursing the baby the other day, and looked down at my toddler. She was expertly maneuvering her iPad, bringing up YouTube clips of children singing "If you are happy and you know it", and dancing along. She then opened an application, and started taking photos. Bored with that, she started playing with one of the few dozen game applications.

It dawned on me that while my husband was at work, we were spending much to much time indoors. And I thought to myself how nice it would be to have someone that could entertain my toddler while I took care of the baby.

As of this last Monday, I enlisted the help of a University student. She will work 3 days a week, 8 hours per day until the end of August. My mothers's helper, as we call her. I wasn't sure how my toddler would react. So far, she had only been cared for by her mother and father, or my sister and mother. As it happened, our toddler loved her from the get go. After only a few minutes, she was proudly showing off her toys to her new playmate.

Thus far, they have mostly gone to the park, or played around the house. My helper also prepares meals, and tidies up during our toddler's nap time.

By the end of the week, I felt as though a heavy burden had been lifted. I was still able to spend the day with my children, but I no longer had to rely on digital devices for entertainment.

I do not know why I hadn't thought of it before. I had forgotten how time-consuming nursing could be, and had overestimated my energy level. I haven't seen my toddler this care-free in a long time, and I find myself less anxious and more energetic. Rather than opening closet doors and pilfering through our personal effects while I nurse the baby, our toddler is now appropriately gearing her energy towards play.

Years ago, I would have never thought that one day I would consider taking care of just one infant a vacation!

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