Sunday 29 April 2012

Terrific Twos

Trying on her sister's clothing

Most parents fear the manifestation of their toddler's assertiveness, otherwise known as the Terrible Twos. While our toddler certainly is not lacking in displays of assertiveness, the Twos have brought a lot of positive changes with them.

A case in point, sleep. Not only has she started to sleep through the night more often than not, but she has also started falling asleep on her own. She no longer wants to share our bed, and she actually shoos us away from her room around nap time and bedtime with an adorable, but adamant "go". Her independence could not have come at a better time!

Speech is another area of vast improvement. While she hasn't stopped making sounds and pointing to communicate her needs, her vocabulary has grown exponentially in the last few months.

If we had known her sister's arrival would have led to all these positive changes, we would have had her a lot earlier!
Looking pretty in a hand-crocheted sweater

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