Sunday 1 July 2012

Pacifier vs.Thumb

Sucking her thumb

Our baby has recently discovered the soothing effects of sucking her thumb. She sucks on it to fall asleep, when she wakes up, and to soothe her inflamed gums. We proffered our cranky baby a pacifier after her 4-month vaccinations, but she wanted nothing to do with it.

Pacifier at 2 years old

Our toddler, at almost 2 1/2, still sucks on her pacifier. Although, on occasion, she mimics her sister and briefly attempts thumb sucking.

I, for one, prefer that our baby sucks on her thumb. Mostly because she can simply suck her thumb (and hopefully soothe herself back to sleep) when she wakes up in the middle of the night. Almost every night of her young life, our toddler has woken us up because her pacifier has fallen out.

The proponents of pacifiers claim that you can take the "pacifier away from your kids", but not so with a thumb! It sounds easier said than done...I do not look forward to the day (sometime in the next few months, I keep telling myself) that our toddler parts with her pacifier.

For now, it appears that our baby has chosen thumb-sucking. And it should not be problematic so long as she stops on her own before her permanent teeth come in...

alveolar prognathism caused by
 thumb-sucking in a 7-year old girl

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