Sunday 22 July 2012

Two Little Teeth

Yummy toes!

Our youngest sprouted two little teeth two weeks ago. I was initially relieved. She had been teething since three months of age, as evidenced by hyper-salivation and crankiness. A little after reaching four months of age, our baby started waking up more often, which I also attributed in part to the teething process. A respite from the aforementioned was welcome!

My relief quickly dissipated. Not only does she still frequently wake up, but she has started using me as a teething device. Several times over this last week, while nursing, she decided to take a bite...Who would have thought two little teeth could hurt so much? I screamed on each occasion, whereupon my sweet daughter stopped nursing, looked up at me, and smiled! It's a good thing she smiled, because the pain was enough to consider switching to bottle feeding...

Using her sister's bouncer!

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