Sunday 23 September 2012

She Said

Trying on baby's hats

As I was contemplating the topic of this week's blog, I realized that the highlight of this last month has been our toddler's speech development. She regularly uses full sentences, and has said a few really surprising things recently:

"You go mama, I watch baby." She said, as she put a protective arm around her sister. I am not sure where she was expecting me to go...

"Are you Okay?" She asked her sister right after hitting her with a toy. She does this so often, I suspect she is hitting her sister simply so she can ask her if she is alright ...

"Go back over there" she says when we leave home for Grandma's house. She also says it when we leave Grandma's for home...

And just yesterday, she said "go away sun, I don't like you", as we were driving with the sun in her eyes.

And the sweetest thing of all, "I love you" she says regularly to her little sister. We are still waiting for the day she spontaneously says this to her mama and papa.

Out for a walk in autumn gear.

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