Saturday 8 September 2012

The Pre-schooler

With Froggy

My toddler, the pre-schooler! I did not think she would make the transition so smoothly...

A few months ago, I decided to sign her up for pre-school at our local YMCA. The program runs from September through to June, is a half-day only, and begins at age two and a half. Starting at age 6 months, and up until this last June, we attended a mother-baby group at this very same Y. We got together with other moms and their babes, played in a well cushioned room, and sung songs with an animator. I often came across the  pre-schoolers at the Y, and commented to another mom how happy and healthy they looked.

Several months ago, I decided to sign our toddler up for the pre-school class called Separation. It started just this week. I signed her up for Tuesdays and Thursdays. At the time my thought process was two-fold...First that we had to start somewhere, and  that she couldn't handle more than two days per week. Secondly, that I would probably be staying with her for at least a month or two, and Tuesdays and Thursdays (starting in September) I would have help at home with the baby and housework.

The separation program seemed like a perfect fit for our toddler. They encouraged parents to stay with their tots until both were ready for "separation", and then encouraged parents to leave for short periods at a time. For instance by increments of 30 minutes.

I was certain that I would be the last parent left! This Tuesday was our first day. There were four other toddlers, and two teachers. Most parents stayed a few minutes. A few left right away. A couple stayed behind the door in case there was a problem. I stayed put, thinking that my toddler would not handle the separation well yet. At around 9:30AM, a half hour into the class, a few of the children started snacking. And that's when I realized I had forgotten her snack at home.

I told the teacher I would leave for just a few moments to find something at the vending machine. I was scanning the items in the vending machine for something healthy, when I saw one of the two teachers running towards me. Oh no, is she already crying?, I asked. In fact she was just fine! The teacher came out to suggest I not return right away! I handed her a granola bar , and agreed to give my toddler a chance alone.

Initially, I stayed behind the door for a few minutes. Then I wandered towards the main entrance. Still no crying toddler! So I decided to wander around outside. I found a grocery story, and picked up some ready-to-eat fruit for my daughter. I did a little window shopping. But mostly I could not believe I had some time to myself!

Wanting my daughter to have a healthy snack, I returned to the classroom at around 10:30. I found her happily playing with some plastic farm animals. We snacked together. At 11, the group headed outside, and I decided to join them. We crossed the street, hand-in-hand, and headed toward the Public Library. My daughter then quickly let go of my hand. I took that as my cue to exit, and left the group once again. I returned to the classroom just before noon. The other parents were arriving to pick up their children. A few of the children cried when they saw their parents. But not my toddler. In fact she was busy playing with some sand toys, and was the very last child to leave!

The experience went so well, that after discussion with my husband, I decided to sign her up for the  Monday, Wednesday and Friday group as well. The timing was perfect..My husband was off work this week, and could take care of the baby whilst I dropped off the toddler at pre-school.

The rest of the week went by without a hitch. On Wednesday, she had me carry her to the main entrance and up the stairs. But by Thursday, she was gleefully running to her classroom.

When did she grow so independent, I asked myself? I did not try too hard to answer the question, and decided to simply savour the moment, and my new-found freedom. Starting next week, I will be have three hours to myself on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The rest of the week, I will have a baby with me...However it's funny how I have come to consider caring for one child at a time break...

Checking out her new Teddy

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