Saturday 16 February 2013

Birthday Girl

As our toddler, now almost three, was approaching her first birthday, I had very high expectations. After all, 12 months is the average age for first steps, and also for first words.  While she had walked just shy of eleven months, she would not go on to speak for another year. I also had high hopes that she would sleep through the night by age one, something that did not start happening for another year.

So for our second daughter, I set the bar much lower.  However, this last Monday, she surprised us: Not only did she speak her first word on her first birthday (Mama), but she also started walking regularly. Previously, she had taken between 3 and 5 steps, but usually preferred to crawl. However, on her birthday, she decided she would start walking everywhere!

We did not plan a party, but instead had a small celebration of our own. Her big sister sang her a version of "Happy Birthday" not just once, but three times. Then, after a healthy dinner, we had cupcakes! Here are a few photos of our 1-year old on her birthday.

Eating her birthday cupcake!


Holding her one and only birthday card

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