Saturday 8 June 2013

Our Little Miss Independent

Leaving crumbs in our bed

Just a month ago, we were calling her our angel. Then seemingly overnight, she started to assert herself...

She is a few days shy of 16 months old, yet she is acting as though she is in the Terrible Twos! She whines and cries and stomps her feet when she doesn't get her way. Even though she cannot yet speak, she uses all sorts of sounds to make herself clear. She refuses diaper changes, refuses to let us change her clothing, and removes her diaper as she sees fit!

My mother came over a few days ago, and asked her why she was cranky..."Did you not sleep well?", she asked. She was sitting in her stroller, demanding to be taken to the park. I explained to my mother that she had been like this for several weeks, and that it was not due to a sleep-deprived state! "But she was such an easy baby", my mother exclaimed!

Perhaps she will simply get this stage out of her system early? Is it too much to ask that by the time her sibling arrives she will revert back to her old self?

Thankfully, she still hugs and kisses us on demand!

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