Saturday 26 March 2016

A Good Friday

Because of my week-end work schedule, there are few opportunities for family road trips. Good Friday happened to be one such opportunity that we had been considering for some time. I had avoided spending too long on the road with all three kids as hearing "are we there yet" every five minutes can be tiresome. Especially with three kids repeating the same thing over and over again. So we hatched a plan:

We would buy behind-the-seat iPad holders for the three iPads we own, and set up some kid-friendly movies. As our girls generally get almost no screen-time, we knew this would be a special treat. Our plan worked out well until part way there, the girls realized they weren't watching the same films...and one had no film at all as the iPad in question did not contain enough space for a full length movie. We did make it to Ottawa, our destination, roughly two hours after our departure, without a single stop.

We had a lovely visit with an aunt and cousin in Ottawa. They were very hospitable, and managed to feed our picky eaters a wholesome lunch. We then all headed off to the "Canada Agriculture and Food Museum." They had a special set-up for the long week-end, which included a visit of several barns, and a hands-on session with chicks, baby rabbits, and ducklings. The girls received some tasty egg-shaped chocolates as we headed to the car. 

Thankfully, on the way back,  our youngest fell asleep. Our oldest, however, woke her up after about a half an hour because she was upset about the movie she was watching...she wanted to watch the same show as her middle sister, and complained quite vocally. But we did eventually make it home,  and our girls have asked when we will next return to Ottawa.

Overall, as our cousin in Ottawa put it, it was a good  Friday...

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