Saturday 19 March 2016

Winter Carnival

The week after March Break was called "winter carnival week" at my kindergartener's school. The plan was as follows:

Monday: Jersey day: kids can break from the usual school colours and wear a jersey from their favourite team
Tuesday: Kindergarteners build a snowman
Wednesday: Kids bring in the large ice cubes they had frozen to build a castle
Thursday: Crazy hat day
Friday: Musical show entitled la Diva Malbouffa

Our daughter missed the two first days with yet another virus, this one most likely influenza

Wednesday in photos:

Thursday, we didn't really know what to expect for Crazy Hat Day. I had already chosen a funny looking hat from our dress-up trunk. Luckily my sister, a teacher working at the same school, gave me the heads up: The hats should by handmade, and the kids parade their hat sin the gymnasium in front of the others. There is one winner per class. Thanks mostly to Pinterest and a hot glue gun, I was able to throw together a cupcake hat, stuffed with a balloon that my daughter had blown up on her own. She came in second in her class, not bad for a last minute crazy hat!

On Friday, my daughter  could not tell me much about the show, except that she had enjoyed it, that she sat on her teacher's lap the whole time, and that there were "googly eyes" in the show.

When the carnival committee planned the Winter Carnival Week, little did they know that there would be spring-like weather, and the snowmen and castles would melt before the end of the week...

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