Saturday 24 September 2016

Apple-picking with the Preschoolers

On Wednesday, we met 20 other pre-schoolers at a large apple orchard not far away. It was a sunny day, and we did not need the rain boots we had brought along. We played in a large park, petted and fed some hungry goats, and snacked on apple muffins and apple-juice before heading out the the orchard on a tractor ride. The pre-school teachers lead us in song, and even Mama found herself singing along to some farm tunes she had never heard before.

#3 on a tractor ride with her cousin

#2 on the tractor ride with her cousin
We then filled three bags full of tart apples, mostly of the Macintosh variety. And munched on a few apples as we waited for the tractor to pick us up...

Proud to be carrying her own bag full of apples!

Saturday 17 September 2016

Mama Helps out at Preschool

At our new preschool, all the parents have one duty day every six weeks or so. My "duty day" fell on the second Monday of school. I arrived 15 minutes early to set up, and left 15 minutes after school to tidy up. And in between, I played with  over 20 preschoolers. I found myself exhausted by the time the school ended, and marvelled at how the two teachers could spend 4 half days a week with so many children...

The theme this month is "farms", and the kids had a great time learning all about farms. They practiced milking a cow (glove filled with water attached to a broom stick) and even "made" butter by mixing heavy cream. They enjoyed crackers with their homemade butter, and learned a few farm-related songs.

Mostly, being "on duty" reassured me that the kids were well taken care of, and were learning in the process...

milking the cow

hugging her cousin

In the playground after school

Saturday 10 September 2016

First Day of Preschool

Our two pre-schoolers enjoyed their first day this last Tuesday. Their new preschool is adjacent to the swimming pool where we spent much of the summer, and it almost seemed as though we were simply returning somewhere familiar. There were 5 other kids amongst the 25 children that they knew from their old pre-school. Perhaps because they saw so many familiar faces, or perhaps because they were both in the same class, but they had a great first week, and can't wait to go back!

Walking to School on their first day

Outside Their Class

Saturday 3 September 2016

First Day of Grade One

On Wednesday, our 6-year old started grade one. In the days leading up to her first day, she mentioned being "nervous". She was nonetheless excited about seeing some friends from kindergarten hat she hadn't see on all summer. She met her new teacher, Mme Nathalie, in the  school yard. Six and a half hours later, she successfully finished her first day. I would later hear that she had gotten lost on her way to the washroom during her lunch hour, but quickly recovered. When she was in kindergarten, the washrooms were actually in her classroom, so she didn't have to go far.

On the evening of her second day of school, the parents met with their childs' teacher. I found myself somewhat overwhelmed by the large volume of subjects that they would be covering throughout the year, and by the homework that is to start shortly.

Thank goodness I still have a year to go before #2 goes to elementary school!

With a friend on her first day