Saturday 24 September 2016

Apple-picking with the Preschoolers

On Wednesday, we met 20 other pre-schoolers at a large apple orchard not far away. It was a sunny day, and we did not need the rain boots we had brought along. We played in a large park, petted and fed some hungry goats, and snacked on apple muffins and apple-juice before heading out the the orchard on a tractor ride. The pre-school teachers lead us in song, and even Mama found herself singing along to some farm tunes she had never heard before.

#3 on a tractor ride with her cousin

#2 on the tractor ride with her cousin
We then filled three bags full of tart apples, mostly of the Macintosh variety. And munched on a few apples as we waited for the tractor to pick us up...

Proud to be carrying her own bag full of apples!

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