Saturday 3 September 2016

First Day of Grade One

On Wednesday, our 6-year old started grade one. In the days leading up to her first day, she mentioned being "nervous". She was nonetheless excited about seeing some friends from kindergarten hat she hadn't see on all summer. She met her new teacher, Mme Nathalie, in the  school yard. Six and a half hours later, she successfully finished her first day. I would later hear that she had gotten lost on her way to the washroom during her lunch hour, but quickly recovered. When she was in kindergarten, the washrooms were actually in her classroom, so she didn't have to go far.

On the evening of her second day of school, the parents met with their childs' teacher. I found myself somewhat overwhelmed by the large volume of subjects that they would be covering throughout the year, and by the homework that is to start shortly.

Thank goodness I still have a year to go before #2 goes to elementary school!

With a friend on her first day

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