Sunday 28 August 2011

Who Needs a Thermometer?

CC having fun at the park
Who needs a thermometer when cranky is the new fever-gauge? At least for my baby.

We were at a local library this past Friday. The Brat was running around, gleefully pulling books from the racks, running up and down the stairs, all the while squealing with delight. Then suddenly she reached her arms up towards me, insisting that I pick her up, and instantly started whining. A quick feel of her skin temperature confirmed my suspicions; she was febrile.

Our baby had gotten her 18-month vaccinations this last Monday. I naively asked the paediatrician if this time around, I could expect less of a response (at 12 months, she had 72 hours of fever exactly 1 week after her vaccinations). On the contrary, she replied. Physiologically it makes sense that the response would be more intense the second time, and I knew that. It was just wishful thinking!

This time around, the baby was her usual self for about 24 hours after her vaccinations, and then her temperature rapidly increased. We are now 5 days and counting of fever, and the subsequent crankiness and decreased appetite. Around the clock acetaminophen and ibuprofen have been controlling her temperature, but Friday morning I decided to withhold a dose to verify whether or not the medication would be necessary...And cranky was back!

Thankfully she won't need anymore vaccinations for another 21/2 years. In the interim, baby Brat #2 will no doubt keep us busy...

1 comment:

  1. Poor kiddo. Poor parents! CC reminds me of aunt Myf in that pic.
