Sunday 4 December 2011

The Scribe

Caught in the Act

This week, I discovered something very interesting. Baking soda is excellent for removing crayon stains from walls and floors. This was a discovery that came as a surprise for a number of reasons. Mostly because our daughter had showed little interest in colouring up until this week.

I had purchased a set of soy-based non-toxic crayons well over six months ago. I showed her how to colour a scrap of paper. And thereafter regularly brought out the crayons to encourage her to draw. She showed very little interest, preferring to break and throw the crayons. This Monday, however, she went on a colouring frenzy. Approximately one month ago, I purchased a kid-sized table and chairs from Ikea, and placed them next to our kitchen island. Hoping mostly that she would occupy herself while I prepared her meals. On her table, I had set out a few scraps of paper, some stickers, and a tumbler full of crayons.

She ignored the crayons up until this last Monday. She took one, coloured all over the scraps of paper. She then quickly changed colours, and lifted the papers to colour on the clean white table. Next, she coloured on her chairs. Then the floor, and finally the walls. I did not want to stifle her artistic inclinations, so I let her continue for a few minutes. I tried to redirect her to the scraps of paper, but to no avail. She did eventually give up, but not before colouring on everything in sight.

At this point, I quickly googled "how to clean crayons off walls", and discovered that I had the ingredients to a quick cleanup right in my kitchen. I simply powdered a wet sponge with baking soda, and voila, the crayon marks were wiped clean.

The Brat watched with great interest as I cleaned up. She has continued to colour on her chairs and table on a daily basis, but much to my relief, decided to forego the walls and floors. However, since Monday, once she colours on the chairs, she passes them to me to clean. She then colours with renewed vigour on her clean chairs.

Oh the simple joys of childhood...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the cleaning up tip with baking soda. In fact my granddaughter, who is the same age as your little one, has started colouring on all over our walls each time she visits us. I am glad you you let her use her creativity instead of stifling her budding artistic talents. She has discovered a marvellous UNIVERSE unknown to her before hand. You never know, she might turn up to be one of the greatest artists of the future generation.
