Saturday 28 June 2014

Strawberry fields, farm animals, and tractor rides, Oh My!

All five of us went strawberry picking this week. Actually, three of us did as S3 slept in her stroller while Papa pushed her in the shade by the strawberry fields.

S1, S2 and I headed for the fields with 1 4L basket each. I had slightly overestimated our strawberry picking capacities...S2 ate more than she picked, and accidentally dumped her basket no less than three times. S1 did quite well, but tired of the process when her basket was  3/4 full.

After finally filling up our baskets, we headed back to the farm to visit the animals. The girls also enjoyed a tricycle ride before polishing off some home-made (or rather farm-made) strawberry muffins.

Here is our day in photos:

On the tractor ride over

The Strawberry Fields


Showing off!

Riding a farm-style trike

Just plain cute!

Rubber ducky race

Three overflowing baskets!

Strawberry and Cream cookies made by Mama

Saturday 21 June 2014

Fun on Father's Day

When I arrived at work on Father's Day, my colleagues asked me what I had planned for my children's father. I replied that I had left him all alone with the three girls, wished him "good luck", and a "happy Father's Day" before heading out.

He did have a little help in the form of a babysitter for a few hours...We decided to head out to an early dinner when I got home from work. I don't think we had all been out to a restaurant since S3's arrival. I had avoided doing so simply because I did not like the idea of being outnumbered in a public place...

However, the girls were on their best behavior. If certainly helped that they could colour on the large paper table "cloth".

The food arrived in a timely manner, and the girls enjoyed their meals (and so did Papa!) I had forgotten to bring a baby meal for S3, but she did not complain about getting everyone's leftovers...

And for dessert, the girls enjoyed their very first banana splits!

goofing around!



Saturday 14 June 2014

Tho Pony at the Carnival

This past Tuesday, we headed to a local elementary school to partake in their annual carnival. While most of the participants were school children and their siblings, our girls had been invited by a very special school teacher: their aunt.

Upon arrival, the girls headed towards one of many "bouncy castles". Shortly thereafter, my cousin and her children arrived. The kids quickly spotted four ponies at the far end of the yard. My two older girls and my cousin's two girls were able to ride them simultaneously. S1 rode solo with a pony handler nearby. S2 was initially tentative, her arms draped around my neck. But she quickly relaxed, and emulating her sisters and cousins, held the harness. Part way through the five minute ride, the ponies were stopped as one of the handlers scooped up a large amount of poop. The ride continued, and the girls were very excited.

For the next three days, S2 would tell anyone she came across "we stopped because my horsie did a poo-poo!"

S2 focused!

S1 enjoying the ride

Saturday 7 June 2014

Baby's First Swim

I returned home from work today, one of the hottest days thus far this year, and realized that our community pool was open for "pre-season".

So we piled the kids into the car, and all five of us headed to our new community pool. The wading pool was not yet open, but the larger lap pool certainly was. 

The girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves. S1 swam front crawl from the stairs out 5 metres, then back and forth over a dozen times. S2 swam assisted by her "bubble". She was quite upset at 19h when the lifeguards blew their whistles to indicate the end of pool hours for the day.

As for S3, she had her very first swim ever. Her older sisters had been introduced to pools at much earlier age, but we had had a very busy year! Much to my surprise, Baby loved the water. She had a neoprene swimsuit on for extra warmth. She splashed around, kicked her feet, and enjoyed being held by both parents.

When we got home a few hours ago, S1 announced that she wanted us to go to our new community pool every day!