Saturday 28 June 2014

Strawberry fields, farm animals, and tractor rides, Oh My!

All five of us went strawberry picking this week. Actually, three of us did as S3 slept in her stroller while Papa pushed her in the shade by the strawberry fields.

S1, S2 and I headed for the fields with 1 4L basket each. I had slightly overestimated our strawberry picking capacities...S2 ate more than she picked, and accidentally dumped her basket no less than three times. S1 did quite well, but tired of the process when her basket was  3/4 full.

After finally filling up our baskets, we headed back to the farm to visit the animals. The girls also enjoyed a tricycle ride before polishing off some home-made (or rather farm-made) strawberry muffins.

Here is our day in photos:

On the tractor ride over

The Strawberry Fields


Showing off!

Riding a farm-style trike

Just plain cute!

Rubber ducky race

Three overflowing baskets!

Strawberry and Cream cookies made by Mama

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