Saturday 7 June 2014

Baby's First Swim

I returned home from work today, one of the hottest days thus far this year, and realized that our community pool was open for "pre-season".

So we piled the kids into the car, and all five of us headed to our new community pool. The wading pool was not yet open, but the larger lap pool certainly was. 

The girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves. S1 swam front crawl from the stairs out 5 metres, then back and forth over a dozen times. S2 swam assisted by her "bubble". She was quite upset at 19h when the lifeguards blew their whistles to indicate the end of pool hours for the day.

As for S3, she had her very first swim ever. Her older sisters had been introduced to pools at much earlier age, but we had had a very busy year! Much to my surprise, Baby loved the water. She had a neoprene swimsuit on for extra warmth. She splashed around, kicked her feet, and enjoyed being held by both parents.

When we got home a few hours ago, S1 announced that she wanted us to go to our new community pool every day!

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