Saturday 14 June 2014

Tho Pony at the Carnival

This past Tuesday, we headed to a local elementary school to partake in their annual carnival. While most of the participants were school children and their siblings, our girls had been invited by a very special school teacher: their aunt.

Upon arrival, the girls headed towards one of many "bouncy castles". Shortly thereafter, my cousin and her children arrived. The kids quickly spotted four ponies at the far end of the yard. My two older girls and my cousin's two girls were able to ride them simultaneously. S1 rode solo with a pony handler nearby. S2 was initially tentative, her arms draped around my neck. But she quickly relaxed, and emulating her sisters and cousins, held the harness. Part way through the five minute ride, the ponies were stopped as one of the handlers scooped up a large amount of poop. The ride continued, and the girls were very excited.

For the next three days, S2 would tell anyone she came across "we stopped because my horsie did a poo-poo!"

S2 focused!

S1 enjoying the ride

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